Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Chapter 4

What's in a name?

Some more days passed by and there was no way I could gather her name. There were many reasons behind it. Most of which included my fear of embarrassing myself.
What if she gets angry?
What if she slaps me hard across my face?
What if she started to like me but I creeped her out?
Questions began to haunt me but the heart wanted her name. But at the same time I didn't stopped my somewhat bad boy nature around her. I began to pass comments into thin air which was actually directed to her. Sometimes she ignores, sometimes she stares directly at my eyes with a emotion I couldn't recognize.
Her eyes meets mine, sometimes. And my world starts spinning, my ears starts burning and I just lose focus around everything. Like the multimillion mexapixel camera of my eyes focus on her eyes and everything else gets blurred.
One time she even replied back in thin air and I swear to God I was caught off guard and couldn't came up with a witty reply

High School was okay, thanks to her presence. But home wasn't. I will save you the details of my reasons of my depression which includes family quarells, school friends problems, deaths of some of my loved ones and isolation from my other loved ones. But no empathizing. But it was really getting into my head despite her presence in my heart. But WHAT THE FUCK WAS HER NAME?. And so I did something that night that I haven't done in a a very long time. I prayed to God for her. Atleast to know her a little more.

Love makes you do those things that you couldn't even imagined in your wildest dreams.

Maybe God finally decided to help me a little. A lot maybe. Because the next day at school I saw her sitting with a friend from my previous school. Her name was Rhea. She was also kindof my bestfriend. I prayed a silent prayer in my mind when I saw them together because I could easily find out more about her from Rhea. I passed a comment that day too and she passed one in return. I blushed again that day.

Classes might be boring for others but I enjoyed them. Partially because I made some cool guy friends and mostly because I could stare at her for a long time which made me feel special.(I don't know why?). After classes, I went to Rhea's place just to gather information about her.
After some casual chats with her I came straight to the point. I asked about her name.
"Devika" she replied.

Devika.DEVIKA. The name started to echo in the walls of my ears and went inside bouncing back annd forth from the walls of my veins, mixing into my blood and hitting directly at my heart which in turn pumped out gushes of happiness into my whole body.
Devika is hereby my favorite name in the world.
I finally know her name.

I went away home. Danced on top of the bed (which I only do when I am the happiest) and life went on as always but I was really happy. Devika. Devika. Devika. I just kept repeating the name on my head over and over again just so that I don't forget which I was sure I could never forget. I slept early that day dozing off to sleep by repeating her name only.

My phone blinked as a notification invaded it. Unknowingly as I was asleep that the notification is going to shake my world and take it into a roller coaster ride into a spiral track that had no end. 


Chapter 7

Shadows Darkness. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear this word? A pitch-black color? Absence of light? Maybe...